Sunday, November 16, 2008


One may consider Che as another revolutionist, who did heroics and liberated a suffering nation from an aristocrat.But he was not a revolutionist whose thirst would just settle with the freedom of a single country( Cuba ) or even a continent (Latin America), as he wanted the liberation of the whole mankind from the evil clutches of Imperialism.

Unlike Castro he was not interested in any political power (resigned the Economic minister/Minister of Industries)which many would settle with after being instrumental in such a historic revolution, but he went on to fight for the suppressed & exploited people throught the Latin American continent.

While Castro wants to be the godfather, the patron of the Cuban people, Che lived-- and died-- to be the servant of the people.Thus, Che's purpose in Latin America can best be described as a revolutionary with a pure commitment to humanity and to bringing social justice to the oppressed

During the early 1950's Che Guevara ( though suffered from Asthma )spent a great deal of time travelling throughout the Latin American continent, experiencing the hardships and oppression of the people where he saw cruelty, exploitation, misery and injustices.It is this journey which changed his life & Whole of a world , as he began to realise the answer for this million dollar question WHO(Y) R V .

So according to Che V R Here only to lead a Life which is equal by all means & if any one in this planet is deprived of this very basic right to live , it is our responsibility to join hands with the deprived one to fight for his right


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