Saturday, December 20, 2008


Holodomor - The Artificial Famine

Holodomor claimed more lives,than were lost on every battlefield combined -during WWI. 7-10 Million people , including 3 million children , perished in 17 months.

A Man-Made Famine raged through Ukraine, in 1932-33,which resulted in the death of between 7 to 10 million people, mainly Ukrainians. The main goal of this artificial famine was to break the spirit of the Ukrainian farmer/peasant and to force them into collectivization.

In 1932, the Soviets increased the grain procurement quota for Ukraine by 44%. They were aware that this extraordinarly high quota would result in a grain shortage, therefore resulting in the inability of the Ukrainian peasant to feed themselves.

Soviet law was quite clear in that no grain could be given to feed the peasants until the quota was met. Communist party officials with the aid of military troops, OGPU, NKVD secret police units were used to move against peasants who may be hiding grain from the Soviet government.

Even worse, an internal passport system was implemented to restrict movements of Ukrainian peasants so that they could not travel in search of food. Ukrainian grain was collected and stored in grain elevators that were guarded by military units & NKVD secret police units while Ukrainians were starving in the immediate area.

The actions of this Moscow instigated action was a deliberate act of genocide against the Ukrainian peasant.

Click here for the Article
Click here for the Documentary

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